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Caron has a kind and generous approach to mentoring, and will shine a light on your ambitions. She can help you see new pathways and liberate you from any negativity. 

Working in a quiet, safe and brave space Caron can help you develop your ideas, thoughts and creative confidence.


Working with a mentor requires an open mind and a determination for change, Caron will sensitively guide you through this process.

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How can Caron help you?

There are lots of ways Caron can assist you and here are just a few. If you are an artist seeking support with your artwork, these sessions can encourage you to:


  • find your creative identity and true voice

  • get your art practice back on track

  • find your place in the art world

  • understand your value


If you find yourself struggling with confidence, or emotional stuff, these sessions can encourage you to:


  • find your confident self by setting achievable goals

  • understand what makes you tick

  • feel in control of yourself and your ideas


If you find yourself struggling with planning, or want to apply for an exhibition or art fair, these sessions can encourage and assist you to:


  • create plans and schedules

  • apply for exhibitions and art fairs 

  • write artists statements

How does it work?

I offer sessions at a rate of £150 per session, a minimum of four is advisable. 


We meet online for one hour once a week / fortnightly or monthly at a time agreeable with both of us. 


We set goals and review them along the way. 


Our first step is a free 30 minute discovery call to ensure we are on the right track. 



Apply Now

Please take a moment to fill out this form.

What is your Creative Field?
Have you been mentored or coached before?
Do you have funds in place to start mentoring?

Thanks for submitting!

When we receive your application we will schedule a discovery Zoom call. 

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